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The dG0 timestep method (backward Euler) for the initial value problem

\dot u (t) &=& f(u(t)) \quad 0<t<T \\
u(0) &=& u^0
\end{array}\end{displaymath} (1)

is, Find $U(t_n)$ successively for $n=0,\dots, N$ according to

U(t_n) = U(t_{n-1}) + k_n f(U(t_n))
\end{displaymath} (2)

This is a nonlinear equation if $f$ is nonlinear in $u$.

Before today's computer session, make sure that you understand and can answer the following question.

Question 1 Derive the equation for the backward Euler method (2) from the IVP (1).

Christoffer Cromvik 2004-04-28